Understanding your CPD requirements
Continuing professional development (CPD) helps you to fulfil your obligations as a licensed real estate professional. CPD contributes directly to raising industry standards by helping to ensure you understand your role and the rules and regulations.
This page describes your CPD requirements, exemptions and what happens when you suspend your licence.
CPD requirements for 2025
Your requirements
You must complete 20 hours of CPD each year by 31 December.
This consists of:
- 10 hours of verifiable training delivered by approved training providers, and
- 10 hours of non-verifiable training on sector related topics
In 2025, the 10 hours of verifiable training is made up of the 1 hour mandatory topic and 9 hours of elective topics.
Important information about completing your CPD
- If you don't complete your training by 31 December, your licence may be cancelled.
- It is strongly advised that licensees avoid repeating the same topic two years in a row. If you repeat a topic within this period, you may be requested to complete another topic to meet your verifiable CPD requirements for the year.
- If you are reviving your suspended licence, you may have additional training requirements.
- Any training directed by a CAC or Tribunal does not count towards your CPD requirements.
The CPD rules are set out in the Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018.(external link)
Do I need to complete CPD in 2025?
All active real estate licensees are required to complete verifiable and non-verifiable CPD each year, unless you have an exemption.
Verifiable Training
Verifiable training is 10-hours of training delivered by approved training providers. In 2025, the 10 hours are made up of 1 hour of mandatory topics and 9 hours of elective topics.
Approved training providers
You can choose which REA approved training provider you complete your verifiable training with and whether you complete it face-to-face, online or by webinar. The providers set their own fees for verifiable training. Some real estate agencies also offer training for their licensees.
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi(external link) is the only approved training provider authorised to deliver CPD topic Te Kākano (the Seed).
REA-approved training providers will let us know when you have completed any verifiable training with them.
View the approved training providers(external link)
Use the licensee portal(external link) to check we have received your verifiable training details. Please allow up to six weeks after completing your training for your information to show.
Non-verifiable training
Non-verifiable training is active, structured training to help you to continue to improve as a licensee.
The training providers do not need to be approved by REA, but you do need to keep records to demonstrate you have undertaken at least 10 hours of non-verifiable training each year.
Annually, REA audits licensees on their non-verifiable training.
If you are audited, you will be asked to submit evidence you have completed your non-verifiable training. Failure to provide the necessary evidence may result in the cancellation of your licence.
Non-verifiable training can include:
- taking part in training sessions at industry and franchise conferences
- in-house training provided by agencies (apart from training about in-house systems)
- information technology (IT) courses
- sales, marketing or listing training by external trainers
- commercial and residential property management training courses
- studying and completing training for relevant trades such as architecture, building inspection or surveying
- seminars about council bylaws
- viewing videos and webinars as part of a structured training session
- time spent reading and becoming familiar with the information on the settled.govt.nz and rea.govt.nz websites
- studying REA’s elective verifiable training material (if the topic has not been counted towards your verifiable CPD in the previous two years)
- Salespersons and branch managers taking courses to upskill their real estate licence may attribute this towards non-verifiable training for the year.
Non-verifiable training for branch managers and agents can include:
- accounting and finance training
- business management
- communications training
- trust account training such as auditing or management accounting
Non-verifiable training does not include:
- unrelated community training courses
- agency induction courses or courses about an agency's internal operating or computer systems
- awards dinners, networking or social functions
- reading journals
Non-verifiable training resources
REA has developed several free training resources that can count towards your non-verifiable training. Find out more about these resources at topics for non-verifiable CPD
Recording non-verifiable continuing training
It is a good idea to use a training log to record your non-verifiable CPD hours each year. Licensees must be able to provide evidence to the Registrar of having completed their non-verifiable CPD requirements.
You can use the non-verifiable training log template to record your non-verifiable training throughout the year.
Download the Non-verifiable training log template [PDF, 206 KB]
Exemptions and deferrals
You may apply for an exemption from all or part of your CPD requirements in certain circumstances.
If you've recently completed a prescribed qualification
If you have completed one of the qualifications listed in regulation 12(external link) and schedule 3(external link) of the Real Estate Agents (Licensing) Regulations 2009(external link), you may be exempt from the CPD requirements in the year you complete the qualification and the following calendar year.
You must have completed the whole qualification to apply for the exemption and you will need to provide a copy of your completion certificate.
Please note, this exemption only applies to those with New Zealand qualifications and who have been issued with a branch manager's licence or agent's licence.
Email licensing@rea.govt.nz with a copy of your completion certificate before 31 December.
If you were issued a new salespersons licence after 1 September this year
Salespersons who are first issued their licence between 1 September and 31 December, are exempt from the CPD requirements for that year, regardless of when they completed their prescribed New Zealand qualification.
You do not need to apply for this exemption. We will notify you by email when your licence is issued.
Please note this does not apply if you obtained your licence via the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (TTMRA), or if you have been previously licensed.
If you're completing a paper towards a prescribed qualification
If you have completed a paper towards a prescribed qualification, you may be exempt from some of the CPD requirements in the year you completed the paper. You must have completed the paper and you must provide REA with a copy of your NZQA certificate to apply for the exemption.
This exemption only applies to those with New Zealand qualifications.
Email licensing@rea.govt.nz with a copy of your completion certificate before 31 December.
Completing CPD as a registered member of an approved professional body
Licensees registered with an approved professional body may apply for an exemption from all or part of their CPD requirements. There are two approved professional bodies:
- Property Institute of New Zealand (PINZ)(external link)
- Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)(external link)
If you are a member of PINZ or RICS and would like to apply for an exemption from all or some of your annual REA CPD, read and complete the following form and return it to REA by 30 June of the year you are applying for an exemption.
To be able to apply you must work solely in one or both of:
- commercial real estate agency work (including, but not limited to, commercial letting and leasing)
- business broking
You are not eligible to apply for this exemption if any of your real estate work is in residential or rural real estate.
The CPD exemption is for one calendar year only.
These are the criteria for professional bodies whose members may apply for exemption:
- The professional body has a CPD programme that REA considers to be at least equivalent to REA’s CPD programme and requirements - its CPD is compulsory and there are consequences for members if CPD is not completed.
- Some topics in the professional body’s CPD programme must have elements that relate to real estate agency work.
- The professional body has registered members, i.e., a tiered membership system. A member must meet the body’s qualification and experience criteria to become a registered member of that body.
- The body represents a group of professionals and some of its registered members are licensees.
Exceptional circumstances
Licensees may apply for an exemption or deferral from all or part of their CPD requirements in exceptional circumstances.
Complete the following exceptional circumstances application form and email to licensing@rea.govt.nz along with any evidence to support your application.
Application for exemption or deferral in exceptional circumstances form [PDF, 389 KB]
Applications should be made before 31 December where possible. Please note applications are unable to be processed if they are received after a licence has been cancelled.
To help licensees meet their obligations, the Registrar has issued Guidelines for assessment of applications for CPD exemptions or deferrals in exceptional circumstances under Rule 13 of the Real Estate Agents (Continuing Professional Development Rules) Notice 2018.
CPD obligations when suspending or reviving a licence
You don’t need to complete continuing professional development (CPD) while your licence is suspended. You will need to complete your CPD requirements following the revival of your licence. These requirements depend on how long your licence was suspended for.
If your licence is suspended for less than 12 months
You will be required to complete your CPD as if you had been active. This means you will need to make sure you complete the CPD requirements for both the calendar year in which you suspended your licence and the year in which you revive your licence — if they are different years.
If you suspend your licence for 12 months or more
You will need to complete CPD in the calendar year you revive your licence. You will also need to complete a verifiable refresher course within three months of the date your licence is revived.
Refresher training
Refresher training involves one or more topics specified by REA for the purpose of updating the knowledge or skill of a licensee who revives a licence after a period of suspension for 12 months or more. Refresher training is delivered by an REA approved training provider. You have 3 months from the date your licence is revived to complete the training.
In 2025, the refresher training course covers the following topics:
- Ethics
- Disclosure: obligations to your client and customer
- Disclosure Addendum
- Know the property
- Anti-Money Laundering: Due Diligence
- Agency agreements
CPD requirements for 2025
In 2025, verifiable training was made up of 1 hour of mandatory topics and 9 hours of elective topics.
To complete your 2025 CPD, please contact an approved training provider(external link)
See the list of mandatory and verifiable topics for 2025(external link)
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